Vegetables Archives - Free Plant
  • Beet Root

    Beets are such earthy, humble vegetables. They hide their delicious roots under the soil and don’t demand much care in the garden. Just give them...

  • Potato

    HOW TO GROW A POTATO There are many, many varieties of potatoes, each with its own claim to fame: early, late; yellow, purple; roasters, fingerlings...

  • Cabbage

    (Brassica oleracea, Capitata Group) Because of its large size, cabbage is not usually recommended for container growing. Fortunately, some dwarf varieties are the size of...

  • Bean

    Phaseolus spp and Glycine max Warm-season annual Beans should be on everyone’s must-grow list: no supermarket bean can compare to the taste of homegrown, fresh-picked beans....

  • Leek

    Like other members of the Allium family, leeks have been a popular vegetable for hundreds of years, especially in winter months when other home-grown vegetables...

  • Garlic

    The ‘mother’ garlic plant is a composite bulb consisting of many smaller wedgeshaped ‘daughter’ bulbs each of which may be referred to as a ‘clove’....

  • Broad beans

    Home-grown broad beans cooked and eaten soon after being picked are delicious, melting in your mouth – so unlike the tough ones found in some...

  • Bush Beans

    Basics Bush beans are the speedsters of the legume world, providing a harvest just 45–50 days after sowing. But because bush beans provide all their...

  • Broccolini

    Pot and cut the others off at ground level with scissors. At this point, the growing temperature can be cooler (60°F/16°C). Use a small fan...

  • Asparagus Pea

    A legume that is neither asparagus-like nor a pea, this cheerful garden vegetable may be considered esoteric by some but is an epicurean treat to...