Joseph's Coat Climbing Rose - Free Plant

Joseph’s Coat Climbing Rose


A beautiful mix of colored roses that range from yellow to red to orange to pink.

Mature Height 10 to 12 Ft.
Mature Spread 4 to 6 Ft.
Hardiness Zone 5-10
Plant Type Rose
Preferred Planting Season
  • Summer Planting
  • Spring Planting
  • Fall Planting
Preferred Soil Conditions
  • Moist
  • Adapts Well to Most Soil Types
  • Average
  • Well-Drained
Propagation Methods
  • Graft
Season of Interest
  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Late Spring/Early Summer
  • Summer Flowering
  • Late Summer/Early Autumn
  • Spring
  • Spring Flowering
Sun Exposure
  • Prefers Full Sun in Northern States
  • Prefers Full Sun in Southern States
  • Accent Plant
  • Wildlife Habitat
  • Dried Flowers
  • Mass Planting
  • Under Power Lines
  • Cut Flowers
  • Landscape Specimen
Bark Color
  • Brown
Bark Type
  • Thorny
  • Smooth
Cultural Information
  • Leaf Spot – Low Resistance
  • Root Rot – High Resistance
  • Leaf Scorch – Moderate Resistance
  • Powdery Mildew – Low Resistance
Flower Color
  • Dark Yellow/Gold
  • Pink
  • Light Yellow
  • Orange
Flower Type
  • Double Blooming
  • Fragrant
Growth Rate
  • Fast
Leaf Color Fall
  • Dark Yellow/Gold
  • Green
Leaf Color Spring
  • Green
Leaf Color Summer
  • Green
Leaf Type
  • Deciduous/Herbaceous
Nature Assets
  • Attracts Hummingbirds
  • Attracts Butterflies
  • Attracts Bees

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Joseph's Coat Climbing Rose

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