Urn Plant - Free Plant

Urn Plant


The urn plant naturally lives as an epiphyte on the branches of trees in its native Brazil. It roots into accumulated debris, reeds little support, and gets all its moisture by catching rain in its rosette f leaves. The arching, spiny leaves re grayish green, with cross markings of powdery white, and can reach to 2 ft. (60 cm) in length. Each rosette produces one flower spike as it matures. This carries pink bracts surrounding the tiny flowers, which are ale blue at first. But rapidly turn red. The flowers are short-lived, but the 6 in. (15 cm) inflorescence can remain decorative for several months. After flowering, the rosette slowly dies, to be replaced by new offset.

Size Height to 3 ft. (90 cm).

Light Direct sunlight.

Temperature Normal room; minimum 60°F (15°C).

Moisture Water to keep soil moist, but not we.

Feeding Pertilize every two weeks during spring and summer (into the central cup as well as the soil).

Propagation Detach offsets once they are half the size of the parent plant.

Special needs The central reservoir of water should never be allowed to dry out; it should also be emptied and refilled periodically to prevent the water becoming stagnant. Hard Lap water will mark the leaves, so it may be preferable  to use rainwater to fill the central cup.



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