Free Plant - Page 4 of 5 - Free plant, flower, bulbs

Free Plant - Page 4 of 5 - Free plant, flower, bulbs

  • Onion

    Biennial grown as annual for swollen bulbs. Value: small amounts of most vitamins and minerals. A vegetable of antiquity, onions were cultivated by the Egyptians...

  • English Mace

    From the family Asteraceae. Native to Switzerland, English mace is now cultivated in northern temperate countries. This culinary herb is little known and under used....

  • Almond

    Nutritionally speaking, almonds (Prunus dulcis) are one of nature’s superfoods, loaded with vitamin E and antioxidants and linked to lowering LDL cholesterol and the risk...

  • African Mask

    African mask is beloved for dark green, deep V-shaped leaves with ribs and edges marked in bright creamy white. Jaunty and full of attitude, it...

  • Arugula

    This peppery leafy green has become a kitchen staple and an expected menu item at any self-respecting restaurant. The combination of meaty texture, heat, and...

  • Broccoli

    Description. Broccoli belongs to the cabbage family and is one of the most nutritious vegetables. It is very high in vitamins A, B, and C...

  • Flowering Maple

    Abutilon is called flowering maple because of the shape of its broad, five-lobed leaves, but it is in no way a maple. It is more...

  • Carrots

    Carrots belong to the Apiaceae family and are really an easy vegetable to grow (Fig. 6.6). They are adaptable and tolerant of poor gardening techniques,...

  • Apricot

    We had the first harvest of ‘Tilton’ apricots four years after planting the bareroot tree. They all came ripe at once, seemingly overnight, turning a...

  • Spotted Laurel

    Reliable evergreen for foliage and fruits Bold and resilient evergreen shrubs reaching to 10 ft. (3 m) in height, with some dwarf cultivars. The large,...